Spencer Hall:

School of Biological & Chemical Sciences

University of Missouri-Kansas City
Kansas City, Missouri

PGAV was engaged by the University of Missouri-Kansas City to develop a visionary plan for modernizing the 154,000 SF multi-building complex housing the School of Biological and Chemical Sciences. The structures, constructed in 1968, are connected below and above an open-air plaza: Spencer Chemistry Building, a five-story, 76,650 GSF structure, and directly to the north, the Biological Sciences Building, a six-story, 77,177 GSF structure. Above the plaza, an enclosed connector links the buildings on the upper floors.

Working with a campus stakeholder several priorities and goals were established to inform the planning process. Alternative plan strategies were explored, and recommendations made for building-wide infrastructure improvements. A final plan concept was developed, and a Phase 1 project scope developed and implemented.

Phase 1 addressed UMKC’s highest priority needs including transformation of 39,800 NSF of existing space to create new chemistry and biology teaching labs, flexible microbiology “team” research labs and lab support spaces, new graduate student office space, and informal spaces for team collaboration.

Phase 1 implementation included comprehensive planning for phased replacement of MEP-FP infrastructure and select upgrades to the building’s exterior envelope. The renovation was completed in multiple phases while the complex remained occupied.




154,000 GSF

Architecture, Interior Design, Master Planning, Lab Planning, Existing Conditions Assessments, Sustainable Design, Fundraising Support